ipSCAPE - Saas

ipSCAPE is an Australian cloud-based Software as a Service (SaaS) call centre company. ipSCAPE offers multi-channel customer experience technology with feature-rich solutions and advanced integration capability with leading CRM and Business Intelligence applications. Designed to be simple to use, ipSCAPE is a full-featured solution that can be used to improve customer experience, increase employee productivity and maximise sales conversions.


The Schedule feature got negative feedbacks because users weren’t able to set days and times. Based on the content of the reviews, we realized that the feature was not working properly and had some usability issues.


I was the Product Designer on an Agile team composed of 3 developers, 3 quality engineer, a product designer, a voice engineer, a tech leader, a product owner and a scrum master.

design process

My design process consisted in:


The stakeholder interview showed that users had problems setting the day and time in the schedule. We decided to redesign the interface of this feature, improve usability and add more options for the user.

By improving the usability and the interface, the user could set a day, a time, edit and delete the schedule, define repetitions, filter by week and month and many other improvements.


During the process, we went through some changes on design concepts in order to complete the improvements needed at the moment.


Unfortunately this project has not been implemented to date.


Because of this project, I had experience to work with a SaaS product and improve my skills.